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Daniel N. Blaschke

  K R. Jones, K. Dang, D. N. Blaschke, S. J. Fensin, and A. Hunter, “Exploring the relation between transonic dislocation glide and stacking fault width in fcc metals”, Mod. Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 33 (2025) 025020, arXiv:2409.10705 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
Theory predicts limiting gliding velocities that dislocations cannot overcome. Computational and recent experiments have shown that these limiting velocities are soft barriers and dislocations can reach transonic speeds in high rate plastic deformation scenarios. In this paper we systematically examine the mobility of edge and screw dislocations in several face centered cubic (FCC) metals (Al, Au, Pt, and Ni) in the extreme large-applied-stress regime using MD simulations. Our results show that edge dislocations are more likely to move at transonic velocities due to their high mobility and lower limiting velocity than screw dislocations. Importantly, among the considered FCC metals, the dislocation core structure determines the dislocation's ability to reach transonic velocities. This is likely due to the variation in stacking fault width (SFW) due to relativistic effects near the limiting velocities.
  D. N. Blaschke, J. S. Carpenter, and A. Hunter, “Predicting electrical conductivity in bi-metal composites”, Materials 17 (2024) 5049, arXiv:2409.04655 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
Generating high magnetic fields requires materials with not only high electric conductivity, but also good strength properties in order to withstand the necessarily strong Lorentz forces. A number of bi-metal composites, most notably Cu/Nb, are considered to be good candidates for this purpose. Here, we generalize our previous work on Cu/Nb in order to predict, from theory, the dependence of electric conductivity on the microstructure and volume fraction of the less conductive component for a number of other bi-metal composites. Together with information on strength properties (taken from previous literature), the conductivity information we provide in this work can help to identify new promising candidate materials (such as Cu/Nb, Cu/Ag, Cu/W, ...) for magnet applications with the highest achievable field strengths.
  M. T. Hoang, N. Mathew, D. N. Blaschke, and S. Fensin, “Effect of helium bubbles on the mobility of edge dislocations in copper”, Mod. Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 32 (2024) 075011, arXiv:2405.08947 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
Helium bubbles can form in materials upon exposure to irradiation. It is well known that the presence of helium bubbles can cause changes in the mechanical behavior of materials. To improve the lifetime of nuclear components, it is important to understand deformation mechanisms in helium-containing materials. In this work, we investigate the interactions between edge dislocations and helium bubbles in copper using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. We focus on the effect of helium bubble pressure (equivalently, the helium-to-vacancy ratio) on the obstacle strength of helium bubbles and their interaction with dislocations. Our simulations predict significant differences in the interaction mechanisms as a function of helium bubble pressure. Specifically, bubbles with high internal pressure are found to exhibit weaker obstacle strength as compared to low-pressure bubbles of the same size due to the formation of super-jogs in the dislocation. Activation energies and rate constants extracted from the MD data confirm this transition in mechanism and enable upscaling of these phenomena to higher length-scale models.
  D. N. Blaschke, Ta Duong, and Michael J. Demkowicz, “Comparing theoretical predictions of radiation-free velocities of edge dislocations to molecular dynamics simulations”, Phys. Rev. B 108 (2023) 224102, arXiv:2305.06980 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
Transonic defect motion is of interest for high strain-rate plastic deformation as well as for crack propagation. Ever since Eshelby's 1949 prediction in the isotropic limit of a 'radiation-free' transonic velocity $v_\text{RF}=\sqrt{2}c_\text{T}$, where shock waves are absent, there has been speculation about the significance of radiation-free velocities for defect mobility. Here, we argue that they do not play any significant role in dislocation dynamics in metals, based on comparing theoretical predictions of radiation-free velocities for transonic edge dislocations with molecular dynamics simulations for two face-centered cubic (FCC) metals: Ag, where theory predicts radiation-free states, and Cu, where it does not.
  S. Carpenter, C. Miller, D. N. Blaschke, W. P. Winter, and S. M. Thomas, “Optimizing Conductivity and Hardness in Cu–Nb Nanolamellar Composites Fabricated Through Accumulative Roll Bonding Without Intermittent Heat Treatments”, Metall. Mater. Trans. A 54 (2023) 3691-3696,
High strength/high conductivity Cu-XNb nanolamellar bimetallic composites (where X < 50 pct) were successfully processed via accumulative roll bonding. No intermittent heat treatments were used which increases industrial applicability. Estimates of conductivity from published models were validated at length scales of ~ 150 nm but were shown to be four times too low for composites with layer thicknesses < 40 nm. Nanoscale composites with conductivity of ~ 47 pct IACS and 99 Rockwell B hardness were fabricated.
  D. N. Blaschke, K. Dang, S. Fensin, and D. J. Luscher, “Properties of accelerating edge dislocations in arbitrary slip systems with reflection symmetry”, Materials 16 (2023) 4019, Editors’ Choice, arXiv:2303.10461 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
We discuss the theoretical solution to the differential equations governing accelerating edge dislocations in anisotropic crystals. This is an important prerequisite to understanding high speed dislocation motion, including an open question about the existence of transonic dislocation speeds, and subsequently high rate plastic deformation in metals and other crystals.
  D. N. Blaschke, T. Nguyen, M. Nitol, D. O’Malley, and S. Fensin, “Machine learning based approach to predict ductile damage model parameters for polycrystalline metals”, Comput. Mater. Sci. 229 (2023) 112382, arXiv:2301.07790 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
Damage models for ductile materials typically need to be parameterized, often with the appropriate parameters changing for a given material depending on the loading conditions. This can make parameterizing these models computationally expensive, since an inverse problem must be solved for each loading condition. Using standard inverse modeling techniques typically requires hundreds or thousands of high-fidelity computer simulations to estimate the optimal parameters. Additionally, the time of human expert is required to set up the inverse model. Machine learning has recently emerged as an alternative approach to inverse modeling in these settings, where the machine learning model is trained in an offline manner and new parameters can be quickly generated on the fly, after training is complete. This work utilizes such a workflow to enable the rapid parameterization of a ductile damage model called TEPLA with a machine learning inverse model. The machine learning model can estimate parameters in under a second while a traditional approach takes hundreds of CPU hours. The results demonstrate good accuracy on a held-out, synthetic test dataset and is validated against experimental data.
  K. Dang, D. N. Blaschke, S. Fensin, and D. J. Luscher, “Limiting velocities and transonic dislocations in Mg”, Comput. Mater. Sci. 215 (2022) 111786, Editors’ choice, arXiv:2205.11687 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
To accurately predict the mechanical response of materials, especially at high strain rates, it is important to account for dislocation velocities in these regimes. Under these extreme conditions, it has been hypothesized that dislocations can move faster than the speed of sound. However, the presence of such dislocations remains elusive due to challenges associated with measuring these experimentally. In this work, molecular dynamics simulations were used to investigate the dislocation velocities for the basal edge, basal screw, prismatic edge, and prismatic screw dislocations in Mg in the sub-, trans-, and supersonic regimes. Our results show that only prismatic edge dislocations achieve supersonic velocities. Furthermore, this work demonstrates that the discrepancy between the theoretical limiting velocity and the MD results for Mg is due to its sensitivity to large hydrostatic stress around the dislocation core, which was not the case for fcc metals such as Cu.
  D. N. Blaschke, C. Miller, R. Mier, C. Osborn, S. M. Thomas, E. L. Tegtmeier, W. P. Winter, J. S. Carpenter, and A. Hunter, “Predicting electrical conductivity in Cu/Nb composites: a combined model-experiment study”, J. Appl. Phys. 132 (2022) 045105, arXiv:2204.03777 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
The generation of high magnetic fields requires materials with high electric conductivity and good strength properties. Cu/Nb composites are considered to be good candidates for this purpose. In this work we aim to predict, from theory, the dependence of electric conductivity on the microstructure, most notably on the layer thickness and grain sizes. We also conducted experiments to calibrate and validate our simulations. Bimetal interfaces and grain boundaries are confirmed to have the largest impact on conductivity in this composite material. In this approach, a distribution of the layer thickness is accounted for in order to better model the experimentally observed microstructure. Because layer thicknesses below the mean free path of Cu significantly degrade the conductivity, an average layer thickness larger than expected may be needed to meet conductivity requirements in order to minimize these smaller layers in the distribution. We also investigate the effect of variations in volume fraction of Nb and temperature on the material's conductivity.
  D. N. Blaschke, “How to determine limiting velocities of dislocations in anisotropic crystals”, J. Phys.: Cond. Mat. 33 (2021) 503005, arXiv:2107.01220 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
In the continuum limit, the theory of dislocations in crystals predicts a divergence in the elastic energy of the host material at a crystal geometry dependent limiting (or critical) velocity $v_c$. Explicit expressions for $v_c$ are scattered throughout the literature and are available in analytic form only for special cases with a high degree of symmetry. The fact that in some cases (like pure edge dislocations in fcc) $v_c$ happens to coincide with the lowest shear wave speed of a sound wave traveling parallel to the dislocation's gliding direction has led to further confusion in the more recent literature. The aim of this short review therefore is to provide a concise overview of the limiting velocities for dislocations of arbitrary character in general anisotropic crystals, and how to efficiently compute them, either analytically or numerically.
  D. N. Blaschke, L. Burakovsky, and D. L. Preston, “On the temperature and density dependence of dislocation drag from phonon wind”, J. Appl. Phys. 130 (2021) 015901, arXiv:2104.08650 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
At extreme strain rates, where fast moving dislocations govern plastic deformation, anharmonic phonon scattering imparts a drag force on the dislocations. In this paper, we present calculations of the dislocation drag coefficients of aluminum and copper as functions of temperature and density. We discuss the sensitivity of the drag coefficients to changes in the third-order elastic constants with temperature and density.
  D. N. Blaschke and D. J. Luscher, “Dislocation drag and its influence on elastic precursor decay”, Int. J. Plast. 144 (2021) 103030, arXiv:2101.10497 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
Plastic deformation is mediated by the creation and movement of dislocations, and at high stress the latter is dominated by dislocation drag from phonon wind. By simulating a 1-D shock impact problem we analyze the importance of accurately modeling dislocation drag and dislocation density evolution in the high stress regime. Dislocation drag is modeled according to a first-principles derivation as a function of stress and dislocation character, and its temperature and density dependence are approximated to the extent currently known. Much less is known about dislocation density evolution, leading to far greater uncertainty in these model parameters. In studying anisotropic fcc metals with character dependent dislocations, the present work generalizes similar earlier studies by other authors.
  D. N. Blaschke, “A general solution for accelerating screw dislocations in arbitrary slip systems with reflection symmetry”, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 152 (2021) 104448, arXiv:2009.00167 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
Solutions to the differential equations of linear elasticity in the continuum limit in arbitrary crystal symmetry are known only for steady-state dislocations of arbitrary character, i.e. line defects moving at constant velocity. Troubled by singularities at certain `critical' velocities (typically close to certain sound speeds), these dislocation fields are thought to be too idealized, and divergences are usually attributed to neglecting the finite size of the core and to the restriction to constant velocity. In the isotropic limit, accelerating pure screw and edge dislocations were studied some time ago. A generalization to anisotropic crystals has been attempted for pure screw and edge dislocations only for some special cases. This work aims to fill the gap of deriving a general anisotropic solution for pure screw dislocations applicable to slip systems featuring a reflection symmetry, a prerequisite to studying pure screw dislocations without mixing with edge dislocations. Further generalizations to arbitrary mixed dislocations as well as regularizations of the dislocation core are beyond the scope of this paper and are left for future work.
  D. N. Blaschke, J. Chen, S. Fensin, and B. A. Szajewski, “Clarifying the definition of 'transonic' screw dislocations”, Phil. Mag. 101 (2021) 997-1018, arXiv:2008.13760 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
A number of recent Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations have demonstrated that screw dislocations in face centered cubic (fcc) metals can achieve stable steady state motion above the lowest shear wave speed ($v_\text{shear}$) which is parallel to their direction of motion (often referred to as transonic motion). This is in direct contrast to classical continuum analyses which predict a divergence in the elastic energy of the host material at a crystal geometry dependent `critical' velocity $v_\text{crit}$. Within this work, we first demonstrate through analytic analyses that the elastic energy of the host material diverges at a dislocation velocity ($v_\text{crit}$) which is greater than $v_\text{shear}$, i.e. $v_\text{crit} > v_\text{shear}$. We argue that it is this latter derived velocity ($v_\text{crit}$) which separates 'subsonic' and 'supersonic' regimes of dislocation motion in the analytic solution.
In addition to our analyses, we also present a comprehensive suite of MD simulation results of steady state screw dislocation motion for a range of stresses and several cubic metals at both cryogenic and room temperatures. At room temperature, both our independent MD simulations and the earlier works find stable screw dislocation motion only below our derived $v_\text{crit}$. Nonetheless, in real-world polycrystalline materials $v_\text{crit}$ cannot be interpreted as a hard limit for subsonic dislocation motion. In fact, at very low temperatures our MD simulations of Cu at 10 Kelvin confirm a recent claim in the literature that true `supersonic' screw dislocations with dislocation velocities $v>v_\text{crit}$ are possible at very low temperatures.
  D. N. Blaschke and F. Gieres, “On the canonical formulation of gauge field theories and Poincare transformations”, Nucl. Phys. B965 (2021) 115366, arXiv:2004.14406 [hep-th].
We address the Hamiltonian formulation of classical gauge field theories while putting forward results some of which are not entirely new, though they do not appear to be well known. We refer in particular to the fact that neither the canonical energy momentum vector $(P^\mu )$ nor the gauge invariant energy momentum vector $(P_{\textrm{inv}} ^\mu )$ do generate space-time translations of the gauge field by means of the Poisson brackets: In a general gauge, one has to consider the so-called kinematical energy momentum vector and, in a specific gauge (like the radiation gauge in electrodynamics), one has to consider the Dirac brackets rather than the Poisson brackets. Similar arguments apply to rotations and to Lorentz boosts and are of direct relevance to the "nucleon spin crisis" since the spin of the proton involves a contribution which is due to the angular momentum vector of gluons and thereby requires a proper treatment of the latter. We conclude with some comments on the relationships between the different approaches to quantization (canonical quantization based on the classical Hamiltonian formulation, Gupta-Bleuler, path integrals, BRST, covariant canonical approaches).
  D. N. Blaschke, A. Hunter, and D. L. Preston, “Analytic model of the remobilization of pinned glide dislocations: including dislocation drag from phonon wind”, Int. J. Plast. 131 (2020) 102750, arXiv:1912.08851 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
In this paper we discuss the effect of a non-constant dislocation drag coefficient on the very high strain rate regime within an analytic model describing mobile-immobile dislocation intersections applicable to polycrystals. Based on previous work on dislocation drag, we estimate its temperature and pressure dependence and its effects on stress-strain rate relations. In the high temperature regime, we show that drag can remain the dominating effect even down to intermediate strain rates. We also discuss the consequences of having a limiting dislocation velocity, a feature which is typically predicted by analytic models of dislocation drag, but which is somewhat under debate because a number of MD simulations predict supersonic dislocations.
  D. N. Blaschke, E. Mottola, and D. L. Preston, “Dislocation drag from phonon wind in an isotropic crystal at large velocities”, Phil. Mag. 100 (2020) 571-600, arXiv:1907.00101 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
The anharmonic interaction and scattering of phonons by a moving dislocation, the photon wind, imparts a drag force $v\,B(v, T, \rho)$ on the dislocation. In early studies the drag coefficient $B$ was computed and experimentally determined only for dislocation velocities $v$ much less than transverse sound speed, $c_\mathrm{T}$. In this paper we derive analytic expressions for the velocity dependence of $B$ up to $c_\mathrm{T}$ in terms of the third-order continuum elastic constants of an isotropic crystal, in the continuum Debye approximation, valid for dislocation velocities approaching the sound speed. In so doing we point out that the most general form of the third order elastic potential for such a crystal and the dislocation-phonon interaction requires two additional elastic constants involving asymmetric local rotational strains, which have been neglected previously. We compute the velocity dependence of the transverse phonon wind contribution to $B$ in the range 1%–90% $c_\mathrm{T}$ for Al, Cu, Fe, and Nb in the isotropic Debye approximation. The drag coefficient for transverse phonons scattering from screw dislocations is finite as $v \rightarrow c_\mathrm{T}$, whereas $B$ is divergent for transverse phonons scattering from edge dislocations in the same limit. This divergence indicates the breakdown of the Debye approximation and sensitivity of the drag coefficient at very high velocities to the microscopic crystalline lattice cutoff. We compare our results to experimental results wherever possible and identify ways to validate and further improve the theory of dislocation drag at high velocities with realistic phonon dispersion relations, inclusion of lattice cutoff effects, MD simulation data, and more accurate experimental measurements.
  D. N. Blaschke, “Properties of dislocation drag from phonon wind at ambient conditions”, Materials 12 (2019) 948, arXiv:1902.02451 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
It is well known that under plastic deformation, dislocations are not only created but also move through the crystal, and their mobility is impeded by their interaction with the crystal structure. At high stress and temperature, this ``drag'' is dominated by phonon wind, i.e. phonons scattering off dislocations. Employing the semi-isotropic approach discussed in detail in [arXiv:1804.01586], we discuss here the approximate functional dependence of dislocation drag $B$ on dislocation velocity in various regimes between a few percent of transverse sound speed $c_\mathrm{t}$ and $c_\mathrm{t}$ (where $c_\mathrm{t}$ is the effective average transverse sound speed of the polycrystal). In doing so, we find an effective functional form for dislocation drag $B(v)$ for different slip systems and dislocation characters at fixed (room) temperature and low pressure.
  D. N. Blaschke, F. Gieres, S. Hohenegger, M. Schweda, and M. Wohlgenannt, “Field theory with coordinate dependent noncommutativity”, dedicated to the memory of Manfred Schweda who initiated this work, SIGMA 14 (2018) 133, arXiv:1806.02131 [hep-th].
We discuss the formulation of classical field theoretical models on $n$-dimensional noncommutative space-time defined by a generic associative star product. A simple procedure for deriving conservation laws is presented and applied to field theories in noncommutative space-time to obtain local conservation laws (for the electric charge and for the energy-momentum tensor of free fields) and more generally an energy-momentum balance equation for interacting fields. For free field models an analogy with the damped harmonic oscillator in classical mechanics is pointed out, which allows us to get a physical understanding for the obtained conservation laws. To conclude, the formulation of field theories on curved noncommutative space is addressed.
  D. N. Blaschke, “Velocity dependent dislocation drag from phonon wind and crystal geometry”, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 124 (2019) 24, arXiv:1804.01586 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
The mobility of dislocations is an important factor in understanding material strength. Dislocations experience a drag due to their interaction with the crystal structure, the dominating contribution at high stress and temperature being the scattering off phonons due to phonon wind. Yet, the velocity dependence of this effect has eluded a good theoretical understanding. In a previous paper, dislocation drag from phonon wind as a function of velocity was computed from first principles in the isotropic limit, in part for simplicity, but also arguing that macroscopically, a polycrystalline metal looks isotropic. However, since the single crystal grains are typically a few microns up to a millimeter in size, dislocations travel in single crystals and cross boundaries, but never actually see an isotropic material. In this work we therefore highlight the effect of crystal anisotropy on dislocation drag by accounting for the crystal and slip plane geometries. In particular, we keep the phonon spectrum isotropic for simplicity, but dislocations are modeled according to the crystal symmetry (bcc, fcc, hcp, etc.). We then compare to the earlier purely isotropic results, as well as to experimental data and MD simulations where they are available.
  D. N. Blaschke, E. Mottola, and D. L. Preston, “On the velocity dependence of the dislocation drag coefficient from phonon wind”, tech. rep. LA-UR-16-24559, Los Alamos Nat. Lab., 2018.
The phonon wind mechanism, that is, the anharmonic interaction and scattering of phonons by a moving dislocation, imparts a drag force $B(v,T,\rho)\, v$ on the dislocation. The drag coefficient $B$ has been previously computed and experimentally determined only for dislocation velocities $v$ much less than transverse sound speed, $c_\mathrm{T}$. In this paper we derive an expression for the velocity dependence of $B$ up to $c_\mathrm{T}$ in terms of the third-order elastic constants of the crystal. We compute the velocity dependence of the phonon wind contribution to B in the range 1%–90% c T for Al, Cu, Fe, and Nb in the isotropic Debye approximation, and to better accuracy than in earlier studies. It is proved that the drag coefficient for screw dislocations scattering transverse phonons is finite as $v \to c_\mathrm{T}$, whereas $B$ is divergent for edge dislocations scattering transverse phonons in the same limit. We compare our results to experimental results wherever possible and identify ways to validate and further improve the theory with more realistic phonon dispersion relations, MD simulations, and more accurate measurements.
  D. N. Blaschke and B. A. Szajewski, “Line tension of a dislocation moving through an anisotropic crystal”, Phil. Mag. 98 (2018) 2397, arXiv:1711.10555 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
Plastic deformation, at all strain rates, is accommodated by the collective motion of crystalline defects known as dislocations. Here, we extend an analysis for the energetic stability of a straight dislocation, the so-called line tension ($\Gamma$), to steady-state moving dislocations within elastically anisotropic media.
Upon simplification to isotropy, our model reduces to an explicit analytical form yielding insight into the behavior of $\Gamma$ with increasing velocity. We find that at the first shear wave speed within an isotropic solid, the screw dislocation line tension diverges positively indicating infinite stability. The edge dislocation line tension, on the other hand, changes sign at approximately $80\%$ of the first shear wave speed, and subsequently diverges negatively indicating that the straight configuration is energetically unstable.
In anisotropic crystals, the dependence of $\Gamma$ on the dislocation velocity is significantly more complex; At velocities approaching the first shear wave speed within the plane of the crystal defined by the dislocation line, $\Gamma$ tends to diverge, with the sign of the divergence strongly dependent on both the elastic properties of the crystal, and the orientation of the dislocation line. We interpret our analyses within the context of recent molecular dynamics simulations (MD) of the motion of dislocations near the first shear wave speed. Both the simulations and our analyses are indicative of instabilities of nominally edge dislocations within fcc crystals approaching the first shear wave speed. We apply our analyses towards predicting the behavior of dislocations within bcc crystals in the vicinity of the first shear wave speed.
  D. N. Blaschke and D. L. Preston, “Thermoelastic-plastic flow equations in general coordinates”, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 119 (2018) 288, arXiv:1709.07730 [cond-mat.soft].
The equations governing the thermoelastic-plastic flow of isotropic solids in the Prandtl-Reuss and small anisotropy approximations in Cartesian coordinates are generalized to arbitrary coordinate systems. In applications the choice of coordinates is dictated by the symmetry of the solid flow. The generally invariant equations are evaluated in spherical, cylindrical (including uniaxial), and both prolate and oblate spheroidal coordinates.
  D. N. Blaschke, “Averaging of elastic constants for polycrystals”, J. Appl. Phys. 122 (2017) 145110, arXiv:1706.07132 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci].
Many materials of interest are polycrystals, i.e. aggregates of single crystals. Randomly distributed orientations of single crystals lead to macroscopically isotropic properties. Here, we briefly review strategies of calculating effective isotropic second and third order elastic constants from the single crystal ones. Our main emphasize is on single crystals of cubic symmetry. Especially the averaging of third order elastic constants has not been particularly successful in the past, and discrepancies have often been attributed to texturing of the polycrystal as well as to uncertainties in the measurement of elastic constants of both poly and single crystals. While this may well be true, we point out here also shortcomings in the theoretical averaging framework.
  D. N. Blaschke and V. Cirigliano, “Neutrino quantum kinetic equations: The collision term”, Phys. Rev. D94 (2016) 033009, Editors’ Suggestion, arXiv:1605.09383 [hep-th].
We derive the collision term relevant for neutrino quantum kinetic equations in the early universe and compact astrophysical objects, displaying its full matrix structure in both flavor and spin degrees of freedom. We include in our analysis neutrino-neutrino processes, scattering and annihilation with electrons and positrons, and neutrino scattering off nucleons (the latter in the low-density limit). After presenting the general structure of the collision terms, we take two instructive limiting cases. The one-flavor limit highlights the structure in helicity space and allows for a straightforward interpretation of the off-diagonal entries in terms of the product of scattering amplitudes of the two helicity states. The isotropic limit is relevant for studies of the early universe: in this case the terms involving spin coherence vanish and the collision term can be expressed in terms of two-dimensional integrals, suitable for computational implementation.
  D. N. Blaschke, F. Gieres, M. Reboud, and M. Schweda, “The energy-momentum tensor(s) in classical gauge theories”, Nucl. Phys. B912 (2016) 192, arXiv:1605.01121 [hep-th].
We give an introduction to, and review of, the energy-momentum tensors in classical gauge field theories in Minkowski space, and to some extent also in curved space-time. For the canonical energy-momentum tensor of non-Abelian gauge fields and of matter fields coupled to such fields, we present a new and simple improvement procedure based on gauge invariance for constructing a gauge invariant, symmetric energy-momentum tensor. The relationship with the Einstein-Hilbert tensor following from the coupling to a gravitational field is also discussed.
  D. N. Blaschke, “Aspects of perturbative quantum field theory on non-commutative spaces”, PoS CORFU2015 (2016) 104, arXiv:1601.03109 [hep-th].
In this contribution to the proceedings of the Corfu Summer Institute 2015, I give an overview over quantum field theories on non-commutative Moyal space and renormalization. In particular, I review the new features and challenges one faces when constructing various scalar, fermionic and gauge field theories on Moyal space, and especially how the UV/IR mixing problem was solved for certain models. Finally, I outline more recent progress in constructing a renormalizable gauge field model on non-commutative space, and how one might attempt to prove renormalizability of such a model using a generalized renormalization scheme adapted to the non-commutative (and hence non-local) setting.
  H. Balasin, D. N. Blaschke, F. Gieres, and M. Schweda, “On the energy-momentum tensor in Moyal space”, Eur. Phys. J. C75 (2015) 284, arXiv:1502.03765 [hep-th].
We study the properties of the energy-momentum tensor of gauge fields coupled to matter in non-commutative (Moyal) space. In general, the non-commutativity affects the usual conservation law of the tensor as well as its transformation properties (gauge covariance instead of gauge invariance). It is known that the conservation of the energy-momentum tensor can be achieved by a redefinition involving another star-product. Furthermore, for a pure gauge theory it is always possible to define a gauge invariant energy-momentum tensor by means of a Wilson line.
We show that the latter two procedures are incompatible with each other if couplings of gauge fields to matter fields (scalars or fermions) are considered: The gauge invariant tensor (constructed via Wilson line) does not allow for a redefinition assuring its conservation, and vice-versa the introduction of another star-product does not allow for gauge invariance by means of a Wilson line.
  D. N. Blaschke, R. Carballo-Rubio, and E. Mottola, “Fermion pairing and the scalar boson of the 2D conformal anomaly”, JHEP 12 (2014) 153, arXiv:1407.8523 [hep-th].
We analyze the phenomenon of fermion pairing into an effective boson associated with anomalies and the anomalous commutators of currents, bilinear in the fermion fields. In two spacetime dimensions the chiral bosonization of the Schwinger model is determined by the chiral current anomaly of massless Dirac fermions. A similar bosonized description applies to the 2D conformal trace anomaly of the fermion stress-energy tensor. For both the chiral and conformal anomalies, correlation functions involving anomalous currents, $j^{\mu}_5$ or $T^{\mu\nu}$ of massless fermions exhibit a massless boson $1/k^2$ pole, and the associated spectral functions obey a UV finite sum rule, becoming $\delta$-functions in the massless limit. In both cases the corresponding effective action of the anomaly is non-local, but may be expressed in a local form by the introduction of a new bosonic field, which becomes a \textit{bona fide} propagating quantum field in its own right. In both cases this is expressed in Fock space by the anomalous Schwinger commutators of currents becoming the canonical commutation relations of the corresponding boson. The boson has a Fock space operator realization as a coherent superposition of massless fermion pairs, which saturates the intermediate state sums in quantum correlation functions of fermion currents. The Casimir energy of fermions on a finite spatial interval $[0,L]$ can also be described as a coherent scalar condensation of pairs, and the one-loop correlation function of any number $n$ of fermion stress-energy tensors $\langle TT\dots T\rangle$ may be expressed as a combinatoric sum of $n!/2$ linear tree diagrams of the scalar boson.
  H. Balasin, D. N. Blaschke, F. Gieres, and M. Schweda, “Wong's equations and charged relativistic particles in non-commutative space”, SIGMA 10 (2014) 099, arXiv:1403.0255 [hep-th].
In analogy to Wong's equations describing the motion of a charged relativistic point particle in the presence of an external Yang-Mills field, we discuss the motion of such a particle in non-commutative space subject to an external $U_\star(1)$ gauge field. We conclude that the latter equations are only consistent in the case of a constant field strength. This formulation, which is based on an action written in Moyal space, provides a coarser level of description than full QED on non-commutative space. The results are compared with those obtained from the different Hamiltonian approaches. Furthermore, a continuum version for Wong's equations and for the motion of a particle in non-commutative space is derived.
  D. N. Blaschke, “Gauge fields on non-commutative spaces and renormalization”, Fortschr. Phys. 9-10 (2014) 820, arXiv:1402.5980 [hep-th].
Constructing renormalizable models on non-commutative spaces constitutes a big challenge. Only few examples of renormalizable theories are known, such as the scalar Grosse-Wulkenhaar model. Gauge fields are even more difficult, since new renormalization techniques are required which are compatible with the inherently non-local setting on the one hand, and also allow to properly treat the gauge symmetry on the other hand. In this proceeding (which is based on my talk given at the "Workshop on Noncommutative Field Theory and Gravity" in Corfu/Greece, September 8–15, 2013), I focus on this last point and present new extensions to existing renormalization schemes (which are known to work for gauge field theories in commutative space) adapted to non-commutative Moyal space.
  D. N. Blaschke, F. Gieres, F. Heindl, M. Schweda, and M. Wohlgenannt, “BPHZ renormalization and its application to non-commutative field theory”, Eur. Phys. J. C73 (2013) 2566, arXiv:1307.4650 [hep-th].
In a recent work a modified BPHZ scheme has been introduced and applied to one-loop Feynman graphs in non-commutative $\phi^4$-theory. In the present paper, we first review the BPHZ method and then we apply the modified BPHZ scheme as well as Zimmermann's forest formula to the sunrise graph, i.e. a typical higher-loop graph involving overlapping divergences. Furthermore, we show that the application of the modified BPHZ scheme to the IR-singularities appearing in non-planar graphs (UV/IR mixing problem) leads to the introduction of a $1 /{p}^{\, 2}$ term and thereby to a renormalizable model. Finally, we address the application of this approach to gauge field theories.
  D. N. Blaschke and H. Steinacker, “Compactified rotating branes in the matrix model, and excitation spectrum towards one loop”, Eur. Phys. J. C73 (2013) 2414, arXiv:1302.6507 [hep-th].
We study compactified brane solutions of type $\mathbb{R}^4 \times K$ in the IIB matrix model, and obtain explicitly the bosonic and fermionic fluctuation spectrum required to compute the one-loop effective action. We verify that the one-loop contributions are UV finite for $\mathbb{R}^4 \times T^2$, and supersymmetric for $\mathbb{R}^3 \times S^1$. The higher Kaluza-Klein modes are shown to have a gap in the presence of flux on $T^2$, and potential problems concerning stability are discussed.
  D. N. Blaschke, H. Grosse, and J.-C. Wallet, “Slavnov-Taylor identities, non-commutative gauge theories and infrared divergences”, JHEP 06 (2013) 038, arXiv:1302.2903 [hep-th].
In this work we clarify some properties of the one-loop IR divergences in non-Abelian gauge field theories on non-commutative 4-dimensional Moyal space. Additionally, we derive the tree-level Slavnov-Taylor identities relating the two, three and four point functions, and verify their consistency with the divergent one-loop level results. We also discuss the special case of two dimensions.
  D. N. Blaschke, T. Garschall, F. Gieres, F. Heindl, M. Schweda, and M. Wohlgenannt, “On the renormalization of non-commutative field theories”, Eur. Phys. J. C73 (2013) 2262, arXiv:1207.5494 [hep-th].
This paper addresses three topics concerning the quantization of non-commutative field theories (as defined in terms of the Moyal star product involving a constant tensor describing the non-commutativity of coordinates in Euclidean space). To start with, we discuss the Quantum Action Principle and provide evidence for its validity for non-commutative quantum field theories by showing that the equation of motion considered as insertion in the generating functional $Z^c[j]$ of connected Green functions makes sense (at least at one-loop level). Second, we consider the generalization of the BPHZ renormalization scheme to non-commutative field theories and apply it to the case of a self-interacting real scalar field: Explicit computations are performed at one-loop order and the generalization to higher loops is commented upon. Finally, we discuss the renormalizability of various models for a self-interacting complex scalar field by using the approach of algebraic renormalization.
  D. N. Blaschke, “Heat kernel expansion and induced action for the matrix models”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 343 (2012) 012016, arXiv:1111.0876 [hep-th].
In this proceeding note, I review some recent results concerning the quantum effective action of certain matrix models, i.e. the supersymmetric IKKT model, in the context of emergent gravity. The absence of pathological UV/IR mixing is discussed, as well as dynamical SUSY breaking and some relations with string theory and supergravity.
  D. N. Blaschke and H. Steinacker, “On the 1-loop effective action for the IKKT model and non-commutative branes”, JHEP 10 (2011) 120, arXiv:1109.3097 [hep-th].
We study the one-loop effective action of the IKKT or IIB model on a 4-dimensional non-commutative brane background. The trace–$U(1)$ sector is governed by non-commutativity, and leads — assuming no SUSY breaking — to a higher-derivative effective action. In contrast, the non-Abelian sector at low energies reduces to $SU(N)$ $\mathcal{N}=4$ Super-Yang-Mills on the brane, with a global $SO(9,1)$ symmetry broken spontaneously by the background. In the Coulomb branch, we recover the leading contribution to the Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) action, exhibiting a $S^5 \times AdS^5$ bulk geometry around a stack of branes. SUSY may be broken by compact extra dimensions $\mathcal{M}^4 \times \mathcal{K}$, leading to an induced gravitational action on $\mathcal{M}^4$ due to the trace–$U(1)$ sector. The one-loop effective action is UV finite on such backgrounds, and the UV/IR mixing is non-pathological.
  D. N. Blaschke, T. Garschall, F. Heindl, M. Schweda, and M. Wohlgenannt, “Extended BRST formulation of a non-commutative $U_\star(1)$ gauge model”, arXiv:1104.0334 [hep-th].
In this short letter, we rediscuss the model for non-commutative $U_\star(1)$ gauge theory presented in [arXiv:0912.2634] and argue that by treating the "soft-breaking terms" of that model in the realm of an extended BRST symmetry, a future renormalization proof using Algebraic Renormalization should be possible despite the fact that the non-commutative model is non-local. In fact, the non-localities could be treated in a way similar to commutative gauge theories with axial gauge fixing where certain non-local poles appear.
  D. N. Blaschke, “Special geometries emerging from Yang-Mills type matrix models”, PoS CNCFG2010 (2011) 011, arXiv:1101.5315 [hep-th].
I review some recent results which demonstrate how various geometries, such as Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordström, can emerge from Yang-Mills type matrix models with branes. Furthermore, explicit embeddings of these branes as well as appropriate Poisson structures and star-products which determine the non-commutativity of space-time are provided. These structures are motivated by higher order terms in the effective matrix model action which semi-classically lead to an Einstein-Hilbert type action.
  D. N. Blaschke, H. Steinacker, and M. Wohlgenannt, “Heat kernel expansion and induced action for the matrix model Dirac operator”, JHEP 03 (2011) 002, arXiv:1012.4344 [hep-th].
We compute the quantum effective action induced by integrating out fermions in Yang-Mills matrix models on a 4-dimensional background, expanded in powers of a gauge-invariant UV cutoff. The resulting action is recast into the form of generalized matrix models, manifestly preserving the $SO(D)$ symmetry of the bare action. This provides non-commutative (NC) analogs of the Seeley-de Witt coefficients for the emergent gravity which arises on NC branes, such as curvature terms. From the gauge theory point of view, this provides strong evidence that the non-commutative $\mathcal{N}=4$ SYM has a hidden $SO(10)$ symmetry even at the quantum level, which is spontaneously broken by the space-time background. The geometrical view proves to be very powerful, and allows to predict non-trivial loop computations in the gauge theory.
  D. N. Blaschke and H. Steinacker, “Curvature and gravity actions for matrix models II: The case of general Poisson structure”, Class. Quantum Grav. 27 (2010) 235019, arXiv:1007.2729 [hep-th].
We study the geometrical meaning of higher-order terms in matrix models of Yang-Mills type in the semi-classical limit, generalizing recent results [arXiv:1003.4132] to the case of 4-dimensional space-time geometries with general Poisson structure. Such terms are expected to arise e.g. upon quantization of the IKKT-type models. We identify terms which depend only on the intrinsic geometry and curvature, including modified versions of the Einstein-Hilbert action, as well as terms which depend on the extrinsic curvature. Furthermore, a mechanism is found which implies that the effective metric $G$ on the space-time brane $\mathcal{M} \subset \mathbb{R}^D$ `almost' coincides with the induced metric $g$. Deviations from $G=g$ are suppressed, and characterized by the would-be $U(1)$ gauge field.
  D. N. Blaschke, “A new approach to non-commutative $U_\star(N)$ gauge fields”, EPL 91 (2010) 11001, arXiv:1005.1578 [hep-th].
Based on the recently introduced model of [arXiv:0912.2634] for non-commutative $U_\star(1)$ gauge fields, a generalized version of that action for $U_\star(N)$ gauge fields is put forward. In this approach to non-commutative gauge field theories, {\uim} effects are circumvented by introducing additional `soft breaking' terms in the action which implement an IR damping mechanism. The techniques used are similar to those of the well-known Gribov-Zwanziger approach to QCD.
  D. N. Blaschke and H. Steinacker, “Schwarzschild geometry emerging from matrix models”, Class. Quantum Grav. 27 (2010) 185020, arXiv:1005.0499 [hep-th].
We demonstrate how various geometries can emerge from Yang-Mills type matrix models with branes, and consider the examples of Schwarzschild and Reissner-Nordström geometry. We provide an explicit embedding of these branes in $\mathbb{R}^{2,5}$ and $\mathbb{R}^{4,6}$, as well as an appropriate Poisson resp. symplectic structure which determines the non-commutativity of space-time. The embedding is asymptotically flat with asymptotically constant $\theta^{\mu\nu}$ for large $r$, and therefore suitable for a generalization to many-body configurations. This is an illustration of our previous work [arXiv:1003.4132], where we have shown how the Einstein-Hilbert action can be realized within such matrix models.
  D. N. Blaschke, E. Kronberger, R. I. P. Sedmik, and M. Wohlgenannt, “Gauge theories on deformed spaces”, SIGMA 6 (2010) 062, arXiv:1004.2127 [hep-th].
The aim of this review is to present an overview over available models and approaches to non-commutative gauge theory. Our main focus thereby is on gauge models formulated on flat Groenewold-Moyal spaces and renormalizability, but we will also review other deformations and try to point out common features. This review will by no means be complete and cover all approaches, it rather reflects a highly biased selection.
  D. N. Blaschke and H. Steinacker, “Curvature and gravity actions for matrix models”, Class. Quantum Grav. 27 (2010) 165010, arXiv:1003.4132 [hep-th].
We show how gravitational actions, in particular the Einstein-Hilbert action, can be obtained from additional terms in Yang-Mills matrix models. This is consistent with recent results on induced gravitational actions in these matrix models, realizing space-time as 4-dimensional brane solutions. It opens up the possibility for a controlled non-perturbative description of gravity through simple matrix models, with interesting perspectives for the problem of vacuum energy. The relation with UV/IR mixing and non-commutative gauge theory is discussed.
  D. N. Blaschke, H. Grosse, E. Kronberger, M. Schweda, and M. Wohlgenannt, “Loop calculations for the non-commutative $U_\star(1)$ gauge field model with oscillator term”, Eur. Phys. J. C67 (2010) 575, arXiv:0912.3642 [hep-th].
Motivated by the success of the non-commutative scalar Grosse-Wulkenhaar model, a non-commutative $U_\star(1)$ gauge field theory including an oscillator-like term in the action has been put forward in [arXiv:0705.4205]. The aim of the current work is to analyze whether that action can lead to a fully renormalizable gauge model on non-commutative Euclidean space. In a first step, explicit one-loop graph computations are hence presented, and their results as well as necessary modifications of the action are successively discussed.
  D. N. Blaschke, A. Rofner, R. I. P. Sedmik, and M. Wohlgenannt, “On non-commutative $U_\star(1)$ gauge models and renormalizability”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43 (2010) 425401, arXiv:0912.2634 [hep-th].
Based on our recent findings regarding (non-)renormalizability of non-commutative $U_\star(1)$ gauge theories [arXiv:0908.0467, arXiv:0908.1743] we present the construction of a new type of model. By introducing a soft breaking term in such a way that only the bilinear part of the action is modified, no interaction between the gauge sector and auxiliary fields occurs. Demanding in addition that the latter form BRST doublet structures, this leads to a minimally altered non-commutative $U_\star(1)$ gauge model featuring an IR damping behavior. Moreover, the new breaking term is shown to provide the necessary structure in order to absorb the inevitable quadratic IR divergences appearing at one-loop level in theories of this kind. In the present paper we compute Feynman rules, symmetries and results for the vacuum polarization together with the one-loop renormalization of the gauge boson propagator and the three-point functions.
  D. N. Blaschke, A. Rofner, and R. I. P. Sedmik, “One-loop calculations and detailed analysis of the localized non-commutative $p^{-2}$ $U(1)$ gauge model”, SIGMA 6 (2010) 037, arXiv:0908.1743 [hep-th].
This paper carries forward a series of articles describing our enterprise to construct a gauge equivalent for the $\theta$-deformed non-commutative $\frac{1}{p^2}$ model originally introduced by Gurau et al. [arXiv:0802.0791]. It is shown that breaking terms of the form used by Vilar et al. [arXiv:0902.2956] and ourselves [arXiv:0901.1681] to localize the BRST covariant operator $\left(D^2\theta^2D^2\right)^{-1}$ lead to difficulties concerning renormalization. The reason is that this dimensionless operator is invariant with respect to any symmetry of the model, and can be inserted to arbitrary power. In the present article we discuss explicit one-loop calculations, and analyze the mechanism the mentioned problems originate from.
  D. N. Blaschke, E. Kronberger, A. Rofner, M. Schweda, R. I. P. Sedmik, and M. Wohlgenannt, “On the problem of renormalizability in non-commutative gauge field models — A critical review”, Fortschr. Phys. 58 (2010) 364, arXiv:0908.0467 [hep-th].
When considering quantum field theories on non-commutative spaces one inevitably encounters the infamous UV/IR mixing problem. So far, only very few renormalizable models exist and all of them describe non-commutative scalar field theories on four-dimensional Euclidean Groenewold-Moyal deformed space, also known as `$\theta$-deformed space' $\mathbb{R}^4_\theta$. In this work we discuss some major obstacles of constructing a renormalizable non-commutative gauge field model and sketch some possible ways out.
  D. N. Blaschke, F. Delduc, F. Gieres, M. Schweda, and S. P. Sorella, “Some local and global aspects of the gauge fixing in Yang-Mills theories”, in: Fundamental Interactions — A Memorial Volume for Wolfgang Kummer, ed. by D. Grumiller, A. Rebhan, and D. Vassilevich, (World Scientific, 2009), pp. 145–174.
We provide an introduction to the global aspects of the gauge fixing procedure for Yang-Mills theories, as well as a short account of the quantization in the Landau gauge and in axial-type gauges.
We dedicate these notes to the memory of Wolfgang Kummer, the `father' of the axial gauge. Wolfgang contributed novel ideas to gauge and gravitational theories with a lot of enthusiasm and energy. Those who had the chance to meet him will miss his cheerful nature, his kindness, his passion for physics and the gentle pervasiveness with which he pursued his work.
  D. N. Blaschke, A. Rofner, M. Schweda, and R. I. P. Sedmik, “Improved localization of a renormalizable non-commutative translation invariant U(1) gauge model”, EPL 86 (2009) 51002, arXiv:0903.4811 [hep-th].
Motivated by the recent work of Vilar et al. [arXiv:0902.2956] we enhance our non-commutative translation invariant gauge model [arXiv:0901.1681] by introducing auxiliary fields and ghosts forming a BRST doublet structure. In this way localization of the problematic $\frac{1}{D^2}$ term can be achieved without the necessity for any additional degrees of freedom. The resulting theory is suspected to be renormalizable. A rigorous proof, however, has not been accomplished up to now.
  D. N. Blaschke, A. Rofner, M. Schweda, and R. I. P. Sedmik, “One-loop calculations for a translation invariant non-commutative gauge model”, Eur. Phys. J. C62 (2009) 433, arXiv:0901.1681 [hep-th].
In this paper we discuss one-loop results for the translation invariant non-commutative gauge field model we recently introduced in [arXiv:0804.1914]. This model relies on the addition of some carefully chosen extra terms in the action which mix long and short scales in order to circumvent the infamous UV/IR mixing, and were motivated by the renormalizable non-commutative scalar model of Gurau et al. [arXiv:0802.0791].
  D. N. Blaschke, F. Gieres, E. Kronberger, T. Reis, M. Schweda, and R. I. P. Sedmik, “Quantum corrections for translation-invariant renormalizable non-commutative $\phi^4$ theory”, JHEP 11 (2008) 074, arXiv:0807.3270 [hep-th].
In this paper we elaborate on the translation-invariant renormalizable $\phi^4$ theory in $4$-dimensional non-commutative space which was recently introduced by the Orsay group. By explicitly performing Feynman graph calculations at one loop and higher orders we illustrate the mechanism which overcomes the UV/IR mixing problem and ultimately leads to a renormalizable model. The obtained results show that the IR divergences are also suppressed in the massless case, which is of importance for the gauge field theoretic generalization of the scalar field model.
  D. N. Blaschke, F. Gieres, E. Kronberger, M. Schweda, and M. Wohlgenannt, “Translation-invariant models for non-commutative gauge fields”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 41 (2008) 252002, arXiv:0804.1914 [hep-th].
Motivated by the recent construction of a translation-invariant renormalizable non-commutative model for a scalar field [arXiv:0802.0791], we introduce models for non-commutative $U(1)$ gauge fields along the same lines. More precisely, we include some extra terms into the action with the aim of getting rid of the UV/IR mixing.
  D. N. Blaschke, “A vector supersymmetry killing IR divergences in non-commutative gauge theories”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 103 (2008) 012009, arXiv:0710.3055 [hep-th].
This is a report on the joint work with Francois Gieres, Stefan Hohenegger, Olivier Piguet and Manfred Schweda. We consider a non-commutative U(1) gauge theory with an extension which was originally proposed by A. A. Slavnov in order to get rid of UV/IR mixing problems. Here we show, that the improved IR behaviour of this model is mainly due to the appearence of a linear vector supersymmetry.
  D. N. Blaschke, H. Grosse, and M. Schweda, “Non-commutative $U(1)$ gauge theory on $\mathbb{R}_\Theta^4$ with oscillator term and BRST symmetry”, Europhys. Lett. 79 (2007) 61002, arXiv:0705.4205 [hep-th].
Inspired by the renormalizability of the non-commutative $\phi^4$ model with added oscillator term, we formulate a non-commutative gauge theory, where the oscillator enters as a gauge fixing term in a BRST invariant manner. All propagators turn out to be essentially given by the Mehler kernel and the bilinear part of the action is invariant under the Langmann-Szabo duality. The model is a promising candidate for a renormalizable non-commutative $U(1)$ gauge theory.
  D. N. Blaschke and S. Hohenegger, “A generalization of Slavnov-extended non-commutative gauge theories”, JHEP 08 (2007) 032, arXiv:0705.3007 [hep-th].
We consider a non-commutative U(1) gauge theory in 4 dimensions with a modified Slavnov term which looks similar to the 3-dimensional BF model. In choosing a space-like axial gauge fixing we find a new vector supersymmetry which is used to show that the model is free of UV/IR mixing problems, just as in the previously discussed model [arXiv:hep-th/0604154]. Finally, we present generalizations of our proposed model to higher dimensions.
  D. N. Blaschke, F. Gieres, O. Piguet, and M. Schweda, “A vector supersymmetry killing the infrared singularity of gauge theories in non-commutative space”, PoS IC2006 (2006) 005, arXiv:hep-th/0610303.
We show that the "topological BF-type" term introduced by Slavnov in order to cure the infrared divergences of gauge theories in noncommutative space can be characterized as the consequence of a new symmetry. This symmetry is a supersymmetry, generated by vector charges, of the same type as the one encountered in Chern-Simons or BF topological theories.
  D. N. Blaschke, F. Gieres, O. Piguet, and M. Schweda, “A vector supersymmetry in noncommutative $U(1)$ gauge theory with the Slavnov term”, JHEP 05 (2006) 059, arXiv:hep-th/0604154.
We consider noncommutative $U(1)$ gauge theory with the additional term, involving a scalar field $\lambda$, introduced by Slavnov in order to cure the infrared problem. We show that this theory, with an appropriate space-like axial gauge-fixing, exhibits a linear vector supersymmetry similar to the one present in the $2$-dimensional $BF$ model. This vector supersymmetry implies that all loop corrections are independent of the $\lambda AA$-vertex and thereby explains why Slavnov found a finite model for the same gauge-fixing.
  D. N. Blaschke, S. Hohenegger, and M. Schweda, “Divergences in non-commutative gauge theories with the Slavnov term”, JHEP 11 (2005) 041, arXiv:hep-th/0510100.
The divergence structure of non-commutative gauge field theories (NCGFT) with a Slavnov extension is examined at one-loop level with main focus on the gauge boson self-energy. Using an interpolating gauge we show that even with this extension the quadratic IR divergence of the gauge boson self-energy is independent from a covariant gauge fixing as well as from an axial gauge.
The proposal of Slavnov is based on the fact that the photon propagator shows a new transversality condition with respect to the IR dangerous terms. This novel transversality is implemented with the help of a new dynamical multiplier field. However, one expects that in physical observables such contributions disappear. A further new feature is the existence of new UV divergences compatible with the gauge invariance (BRST symmetry). We then examine two explicit models with couplings to fermions and scalar fields.
  M. Attems, D. N. Blaschke, M. Ortner, M. Schweda, S. Stricker, and M. Weiretmayr, “Gauge independence of IR singularities in non-commutative QFT — and interpolating gauges”, JHEP 07 (2005) 071, arXiv:hep-th/0506117.
IR divergences of a non-commutative U(1) Maxwell theory are discussed at the one-loop level using an interpolating gauge to show that quadratic IR divergences are independent not only from a covariant gauge fixing but also independent from an axial gauge fixing.
  M. Attems, D. N. Blaschke, S. Hohenegger, M. Schweda, and S. Stricker, “Gauge (in)dependence and UV/IR mixing”, arXiv:hep-th/0502198.
The gauge independence in connection with the UV/IR-mixing is discussed with the help of the non-commutative U(1)-gauge field model proposed by A. A. Slavnov with two different gauges: the covariant gauge fixing defined via a gauge parameter $\alpha$ and the non-standard axial-gauge depending on a fixed gauge direction $n^{\mu}$.

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